(Public) Scholarship
To help share our work and learn from others, we have presented our in-progress findings and curricular innovations in a variety of contexts. Global citizen science is of, by, and for the public and, therefore, we prioritize opportunities to share our work in spaces that are free and open-access. We have also presented our work at local, national, and international conferences, and have several manuscripts in development for peer-reviewed journals.
place-based steam Learning in Arvin and Lamont
This past March, twenty-nine high school students in Arvin and Lamont, California, and a team of educators embarked on a learning journey that began at César Chávez National Monument and culminated this June in Sequoia National Park. Students created STEAM-infused projects that demonstrated the intersection of data literacy, geospatial thinking, and place-based learning as a pathway for youth-led change in the community. One of the educators who co-developed the program shared how she made this experience happen, and lessons learned for other educators who wish to inspire STEAM learning in their students.
Critical Pedagogies of Place
How engaging youth as environmental (in)justice storytellers can help them (re)claim their narratives, recognize their power to advance change, and advance their understanding of environmental issues. Learn more.
Learn the Ins and Outs of Citizen Science in This Brand-New Course
How can we inspire learners of all ages to engage with the world and contribute to cutting-edge scientific research?What if we said you could join teams of scientists and National Geographic Explorers without leaving your school community? Well, you can! Explore global citizen science and its potential for teaching and learning through the new, free, self-paced National Geographic course “Learning Through Citizen Science.” The course consists of three modules designed to introduce you to global citizen science and familiarize you with key projects and tools. Read more.
What we learned preparing teachers during the pandemic
Beck, B., Esquibel, J. (May 2021). Teacher Professional Development during a Pandemic: Both/And Stories of Approximation. Virtual WestEd Residency Webinar Series
Watch the full webinar here.
Collabinar: Citizen Science and Teacher Education
Beck, B. (May 2022). Citizen Science and Teacher Education. Collabinar. UC Davis Center for Community and Citizen Science
View the recording here.
Beck, B. Tejwani, J., Pedroza, V. (2022). Democratizing Science: A Citizen Science Approach to Teacher Education [Paper Session]. AACTE Annual Meeting New Orleans, LA.
Beck, B. (2022) Citizen Science as a Model for Rigorous and Relevant C-STEAM Education [Paper Session]. AERA Annual Meeting San Diego, CA
Beck, B.,Delacruz, L., Jabot, M., Albus, K. (2021). Using GIS to create and monitor citizen science projects. Annual meeting of the Citizen Science Association. Virtual.
Beck, B. (April 2022). Citizen Science in Teacher Education. SciStarter Citizen Science Education Speaker Series
Beck, B. (June 2021). The Citizen Scientist Project: Scaling for Impact. Future of Education Workgroup. Cal Poly, Pamona
Beck, B. (Dec 2020). Telling Stories and Visualizing Data: Inspiring Pre-Service Teachers to Code through Citizen Science. Invited Keynote Presentation, UC Davis C-STEM Conference
Beck, B., Esquibel, J., Janssen, J. (March 2020). Innovating to Change the World: Design Thinking & Robotics. Invited Presentation, YES! Conference for Homeless and Foster Youth, Bakersfield, CA
Beck, B., Esquibel, J. (Feb 2020). Citizen Science in Teacher Education: Girls in Robotics Leadership Camps as spaces of Innovation for C-STEM Teaching and Learning. Invited Presentation, UC Davis 2020 Symposium on Integrated Computing and STEM Education
Beck, B. (Nov 2019). Citizen Science Curricula and Pedagogy: A C-STEM Model for Teacher Education. Invited Session, C-STEM Conference, University of California, Davis
Beck B. (Oct 2019). Public Teaching: Leading a Group Discussion about Air Quality in Kern County. Developer and facilitator, California State University, Bakersfield and TeachingWorks
Beck, B. (Oct 2019) Our Community, Our Choice: Creating Civically Empowering Classrooms. Invited Speaker, The Power of Equity Symposium, Kern County Superintendent of Schools
Beck, B. (March 2019). The Story of Science: Oral History and Citizenship in the STEM Classroom. Plenary Session, Culturally Responsive Teaching in the San Joaquin Valley, Bakersfield College, Delano Campus